Yep! I decided to start mixing some personal journal in this blog. I would say that all stuff in this blog has been personal so far, so this portion would just be about me and stuff happening around me. This is simply a journal.
La Vie En Le Jour. I asked google to translate it for me in English and it gave me the answer "life by days". I wouldn't say that was the accurate translation either. Would it sound better if I used the English counterpart instead? Or if I changed it into "days by life"? I am not too certain about this stuff to be honest but I just feel like using some French words for a change.
There's this saying that goes "adding life into your years than adding years into your life" or something like that. So maybe my journal sounded like that in a way? It would actually be better to add life into each day I had since life is too short and I wouldn't know when mine would end. And keeping a record of every idiotic and funny thing I did was more fun than forgetting them until someone remembered tham for me. I used to keep a journal of each day before, and I find the things I did before to be embarassing when I read it after so long. Memories are either trashed or treasured but they will always be remembered.
And, yes, my first post in this category is just a kind of introduction. I don't consider it a waste either since even before I always skip the first few pages of my journals. I don't know why I do that though.
So, dear future me, the me right now is kind of keen in keeping record of her life as the days pass, so that one day in the far future her present self can read them and laugh and cry about the most trivial things she did in the past. You and I are the same, from one body and one soul. The only difference is time but with this journal containing the records of our life, I believe we are connected even through time.