15 July 2012

Where I Want To Be

I just finished reading a book that I randomly picked from a second-hand bookstore last May 2012. It's only July now and I only started reading it not even a week ago. It's by Adele Griffin and it says that she's a National Book Award Nominee. Honestly, I don't know her and I don't know many authors to be frank. I only picked the book because of the title and the cover which is dark blue with a house print in the middle. Second-hand. Hard-bound. Hundred and fifty pages. Forty-five pesos (roughly S$1.50 in the currency of this country.) I may says it's a good deal for a good story, better even. :)

This is not a book report, or book review. I'm no good with that. I'm just gonna state the sentences I liked from the book and some comments, I guess. There were some borrowed ideass from Henry David Thoreau, as well. For some reason, I chose books quoting and unquoting famous lines from famous people.

Where I Want To Be by Adele Griffin

*   "It's strange how so much life can be lived without speaking."

*   "She liked to surround herself with other people's things. They comfort her, I guess, when people themselves could not."

*   "The fastest journey is achieve by foot. - Henry David Thoreau"

*   "It doesn't seem like real time, though. It feels like one single, perfect day blended with forever."

*   "Because the difference was important."

*   "....if you've been dead and alive, you're changed forever."

*   "Indifference is weird."

*   "But wasn't a dead bee fake? Because it was no longer real."

*   "Maybe the moment right before you're ready to move on is always when it's hardest to let go."

*   "There are usually reasons behind being left out."

*   "You were alone. But I didn't know what all alone felt like until you left me."

*   "Changes are going to happen whether you want them to or not. The best thing to do is to learn how to pace yourself alongside them."

*   "Like life was just a timeline to punch in with anniversary bullets."

*   "Live in the present. Launch yourself on every wave. And find your eternity in every moment. - Henry David Thoreau"

About the story. It was like two monologues alternating in every chapter. One story said in two views, from two worlds.

The story was about two sisters, Jane and Lily. Lily was the younger sister blessed with talent and beauty. Jane, on the other hand, is the big sister with a psychological illness. It was never mentioned in the story the name of the illness, though. Jane loved her sister so much, and I could say that Lily also loved her sister, adore her even. But they are growing up and along with growing up, changes occur in all aspects. And it was difficult for Jane, with her illness, to adapt and accept all those changes. When they were kids Jane used to have Lily all to herself, but as they grew up that changed.

Jane loved their grandparent's and Orchard Way, what she named their grandparents house. But her grandfather died. Then, her grandmother. Eventually, they have to let go of Orchard Way, as well. It's like loosing one precious thing after the next to Jane. It was her sanctuary, but one day it's gone. Even so, she still has Lily. But their worlds are different. Lily is liked by everybody and she has Caleb, her boyfriend, but no one liked Jane. Jane's Lily became everybody's Lily, Caleb's Lily. Without her sanctuary to run to, Jane is lost. 'Help me' seems a line she can't bring herself to ask of Lily. Her awareness of her condition and everybody's indifference towards Jane is a burden to her.

I liked the story. It was a bit similar to A Corner of the Universe by A. Martin because of the psychological illness. What I liked best is how A. Griffin set the plot of the story. I knew from chapter 2 that Jane was dead, but somewhere in the middle of the story, I can't help to confuse myself whther she is dead or alive. The story didn't made me cry, though.

Original post here.

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