20 September 2012

I let it slipped.

Since last week, I was very excited for my 'supposedly' off day last Saturday, 15 September. That was my scheduled off last week that was abruptly cancelled because my colleague called in sick. One call and everything just changed.

I was totally looking forward for the Library Book Sale that was then held at Singapore Expo for only 2 days, 15th and 16th of September. Since I only get to have one day off a week, I had to request it to be on Saturday to accommodate the event. I used to have an all-nighter the previous night prior to my off, and I did just that on Friday night. I was about to sleep at 0600hrs on Saturday morning when I received a call from my manager asking me if I can come to work on that day. I agreed to do so given that I'll be coming in for the afternoon shift.

I roughly slept for 5 hours since I woke up by myself at around 1100-1200hrs that day. I've been sleeping like a good kid the previous days. It has become a cycle that if I managed to sleep a lot for consecutive days, there will be a day when I will become unable to sleep or that I will be able to manage through the day despite lacking of sleep. That Saturday was the same but since it was out of my plan to work on my day off, I was not in the proper orientation.

It was my only chance to go for the Library Book Sale but I let it slipped. I was very excited about it considering that it was a 'library' book fair. I was thinking of what old books I will be able to add to my collection or that I might be able to find the books that I've been wanting to have. But that was cancelled. I didn't took the effort of going to the Singapore Expo far in the east nor did I get to own new titles. Instead, I worked like a diligent young adult I am.

My last off prior to that on Saturday was early the previous week so it feels like working for 14 days consecutively. I didn't feel the fatigue at all on Saturday but when I woke up on the following Monday, it just came to me. The tiredness slowly piled up and I didn't even feel it. But I knew that it was there, being inconspicuous. The good thing was that my next off, for this week I mean, was Tuesday. I felt like sleeping all the day but it was already the middle of the month. I can't afford to have myself cooped up at home dulling my precious offs away. I just have to go somewhere.

LVELJ.C04 (20.09.2012)

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