21 January 2015

100 Random Things To Do For 2015

To rid myself of boredom, and feeling unaccomplished, I made a list of a hundred random things to do for this year. At least there were things I wanted to do and try. I originally posted this on time before 1st of January in Wordpress, but I have completed my list ever since so here's the updated version.

1. Play darts.
2. Play beer pong.
3. Enter a competition of any kind.
4. Watch a theater play.
5. Watch an old film (screened on early '90s).
6. Play a new sport.
7. Win something through an online competition.
8. Plan a birthday party.
9. Travel overseas.
10. Visit a museum.
11. Organize and execute a photoshoot.
12. Go to the beach.
13. Watch an entire TV series.
14. Watch 20 movies released in 2015.
15. Read 30 books.
16. Watch 10 animated films.
17. Buy a CD of a music artist you really like.
18. Make a jack-o-lantern.
19. Attend a Halloween party.
20. Attend a cosplay convention.
21. Attend a music concert.
22. Go to a night festival.
23. Learn 10 new dishes.
24. Have 5 new dresses.
25. Run/jog an accumulated 500km throughout the year.
26. Paint something.
27. Give out handmade gifts.
28. Make a crafting project.
29. Make a nice espresso art.
30. Write a hand-written letter and send it by post.
31. Meet a new person.
32. Do a good deed for a random stranger.
33. Brighten someone's day.
34. Cook a meal for another person.
35. Make a video.
36. Dine in a restaurant you've never been to, and eat a dish you've never had.
37. Go for cycling.
38. Visit an old friend.
39. Get a hair cut.
40. Dye your hair a different color.
41. Get a full body massage.
42. Treat yourself to a foot spa.
43. Try scuba diving.
44. Try an extreme sport.
45. Attend a class for learning something new.
46. Ride a boat.
47. Fly a kite.
48. Build a new friendship.
49. Learn to style your hair.
50. Attend a party.
51. Draw a portrait.
52. Play an instrument.
53. Have a sleepover.
54. Take portrait photos of people.
55. Visit a zoo.
56. Go to the aquarium.
57. Write a poem.
58. Finish writing a story.
59. Donate to a charity.
60. Go on a holiday trip.
61. Go to a bar a lone to chill.
62. Buy a new kitchen utensil.
63. Call a friend.
64. Share a really old photo of yourself.
65. Get a manicure and pedicure.
66. Break something.
67. Create a new cocktail drink recipe.
68. Ask someone for advice on anything.
69. Ask someone to take your photo.
70. Tell someone a quote.
71. Cry.
72. Be a volunteer on a charity work.
73. Buy a plushie.
74. Own a new gadget.
75. Go to the amusement park.
76. Own 2 new heels.
77. Discover a new hang-out place.
78. Create a new tea concoction.
79. Experience a long bus ride in a different country.
80. Move to a new place.
81. Ride a train in a different country.
82. Go for a mountain hiking.
83. Treat a friend to dinner.
84. Invite someone for coffee.
85. Surprise someone.
86. Play a prank on a good friend.
87. Buy yourself something worth more than $500.
88. Travel alone to a place you've never been.
89. Visit a friend in a different country.
90. Buy a big plushie.
91. Accept an invitation to eat out.
92. Visit the club.
93. Go on a date (with a guy).
94. Earn a raise in salary.
95. Be hired by a new employer.
96. Drink out with friends, and drink a lot.
97. Read a whole book in one day.
98. Do not go online for an entire day.
99. Suddenly make a plan with friends and execute it on the same day.
100. Lay down in a field and just stare at the sky.

Note: Print out the list and keep it with you, like in your wallet or something so you can check it every now and then. By the end of year 2015, re-blog your own post and write a comment beside each item of what you did. Sounds good, yeah?

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