08 November 2011

Hardships to Live


Yesterday, I was walking along Orchard Road, on the side of Mandarin Gallery, Wisma Atria, Takashimaya, etc. Walks along this road were always interesting. There were always something to entertain the passerbys. However, I noticed that most of the workers doing the 'odd jobs', like selling street ice cream, playing music, and selling handy napkins/tissues, are always the old people, sometimes even handicapped ones. I say these are 'Odd Jobs', why? They look pretty much natural work but the people doing these are the handicapped and old ones.

The highlight of my walk yesterday was one old man's performance. Well, it was an amazing performance. It's just that he has two necklaces of huge wooden beads (like a Buddhist's?) hung around his neck which he swings round and round. That looks painful and awful more than exciting. If you could just see how old the man looks, you'd definitely share the same sympathy as me.

There was another old man, but he does not look as old as the first one. He's quite energetic for his age, actually. His performance was joggling three long bottles which I think are plastic ones or made of the same material as my flair bottle. It was like flairtending without the drinks. He even uses his one foot to catch and flip one of the bottles. What's more? His position was against the sun. It actually looks like he was being shone by the spotlight of the stage. I notice him smile every now and then despite the heat. Of course, he has to, when there are people dropping tips to his box. That's a pretty way to earn a living.

I read in a local newspaper about how the government is raising funds to support the old citizens. There are also organizations who manages work that is fitted for the qualifications of old people; they even provide training for them. So, there should be no wonder why there are a lot of old people working here and there.
I also read in the newspaper a statement made by a retiring old man. "I cannot retire. I will die." It was a simple and realistic statement that gave me, in an instant, the thought of Singaporeans never really relied on others, not even the old ones.

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